Friday, April 24, 2009

The Proof is in the Puddin'

Well, another Business Showcase has come and gone. I will continue to be amazed by the extraordinary amount of work produced by the office staff of the Chamber. Organizing, managing, coordinating and pleasing almost 90 business exhibitors is an enormous task. It's almost like a circus coming to town, setting up the Big Top, unloading all the animals, putting on a big show, and then packing it all up the very same day. I get tired just watching all this activity.

I've heard the same question over and over for the last few days...."How did it go"?

My honest answer would have to be that I don't really know. There seemed to be a lot of positive energy in the room, folks were smiling and jovial, we stayed comfortably cool on a hot day, and the whole building literally buzzed with activity all day long. DID it go?

The puddin' test on our success will be the feedback we get from exhibitors. After all, it's their day. We don't do this event because we love throwing up the Big Top and tearing it back down again. We do it because we think it's important for local businesses to support each other and Business Showcase has historically been an effective and efficient way to do that. Whether or not it was a successful, positive experience for participants that led to lots of leads for their business will be for them to decide. I truly hope they did find it a day well spent for their business. And if not, I hope they'll let me know how we can improve.

No rest for the weary! This weekend will be another buzz of activity around this gorgeous community, with even more people working together to make it a better place for everyone.

On Saturday the Chico Rotary Club, of which I am honored to be President, will participate in our 3rd Rotary-At-Work Day this fiscal year. Our 200+ members and their families will be out in force working on various community improvement projects. We start with a big celebration breakfast and then hit the streets with our tools, our funky orange vests and our smiles.

You might see us in Bidwell Park sprucing up the horse-shoe pits or painting the lifeguard towers at One-Mile pool. You might see us at McManus Elementary School refurbishing their track. You might see us at the Stansbury Home, at the Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Park or at the Community Rummage Sale. But wherever you see us, please know that Rotarians are just a bunch of local business people who care enough about our neighbors to roll up our sleeves and Git 'r Done!

Later that day, I'll look forward to joining the Golden Valley Bank Relay For Life Team at PVHS. Like hundreds of other caring citizens, our team will be out walking in circles all day long to raise money for Cancer research. Honest-to-goodness, if you want (or need) inspiration in your life, go spend some time Saturday at Relay For Life. No matter how tired you are from a long week at work, you will be energized by the tremendous amount of love and compassion that engulfs this event. I guarantee you'll leave with spring in your step and a smile in your heart.

But since it's still Friday evening...I think I'll go home and open beer, throw the tennis ball for my dog, make a nice quiet dinner for my handsome hubby, and fall asleep on the couch watching TV. Ahhhhh....the life of a jet-set CEO!


  1. Pudding Proof.
    I have been exhibiting at the Business Showcase for at least 5 years now, and I have seen busier showcases, and slower showcases. I thought that the Business Showcase was perhaps a little slower this year, but I was impressed by the business people that came to the Showcase. These people were more interested in evaluating businesses and looking for services than any other group from previous years. I know that I came out of the Business showcase with a number of solid business leads, including 3 appointments. These people came to our booth because they had a need, and they requested a meeting.
    The Chamber staff did an outstanding and professional job of coordinating the showcase this year!! (Insert applause here!)
    Thank you and our company will continue to be a supporter of the Business Showcase.

    Brent Largent, PacifiCom.

  2. Chico Morningstars BNI particpated for the second year in the Business Showcase. Our members seemed very positive as the attendees this year seemed interested in what the vendors were offering Were willing to stop and talk. A few of our members had their own booth and I've only heard positive comments! Good show. Bigger isn't always better. I'll take quality referrals over quantity anyday.

  3. This was our first Business Showcase as exhibitors. We heard from many veteran participants that this year was a little quieter than past years. However, echoing the sentiments above, everyone we talked to agreed that the quality of the participants was excellent: serious people striving to turn new soil and gain ground in a tricky economic climate. We made many good contacts and have appointments and several leads to follow up.

    We were very pleased with the show -- kudos to Jolene, Peggy and everyone at the chamber who worked so hard to bring the show about. Thank you, and we will be back!

    Laurie LaGrone, Advertising Associates
