Wow. Where has the time gone? Easter came and is out...Spring has sprung (almost), and a fun summer season is on the way. It will be July 4th before we know it!
Everything crept up on me so fast. Our twin-teenage-units graduated from PV High School last week, in the pouring rain. What a proud moment for all three of us parental-units. Holding both offices of ASB President and Senior Class President, the twins gave remarkably insightful speeches at graduation. They did great and really represented well the tremendously talented Class of 2010.
The whirlwind of grad parties, all-night parties, after-all-night-party-parties, and the all important day-after-the-after-all-night-party-party left us exhausted. Now it seems like a good time to settle in for a relaxing summer before the dorm move-in date rolls by. I wonder what it will be like to come home after work and find my house as clean as I'd left it that morning? Hmmmmmm.
But wait...there WON'T be any relaxing this summer, for this is another election year! Doesn't it seem that election season never really seems to end? It's really quite tiring, but you have to give a nod to all those hardy souls that put their own lives and careers on hold to run for public office. It's a lot of work.
And yet, even as we applaud them for running it's easy to get pretty tired of the endless recorded phone calls, mailboxes full of mailers, TV and radio spots, etc, etc, etc.
And as tired as I get from all of this, I remind each and every one of you that voting is ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU WILL EVER DO! No kidding. It's not just your right, it's your obligation! Do your homework. Talk to your friends, family and associates. Debate the issues and get your facts straight. And after you've done all that, cast your ballot. Just Do It!
The Chamber of Commerce has posted recommended positions on all the Statewide Ballot Measures and we invite you to read our recommendations as you do your homework. But don't look for us to make individual candidate endorsements. Nosiree-Bob! Not gonna do it...wouldn't be prudent.
Seriously. If you didn't already know the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Board of Trustees of the ChicoPAC voted to cease candidate endorsements almost 2 years ago. I'm happy about that. I think it's much better that we stick to the issues and leave the personalities of candidates out of it. Our time is much better spent being 'the voice of business'...advocating on behalf of business with whomever wins. That's what we're good at...and that's what we'll keep doing.
And that is more than enough rambling for today....